Explaining My PhD Research
Well, another PhD journey comes to an end. These have been fruitful and intense years of research and fast-paced learning. The PhD research is one of the few occasions in one’s professional career in which you have the opportunity of giving full dedication to study a topic in depth for several years. The result of this investigation are four papers that, hopefully, will help and inspire new researchers to apply machine learning to model elusive and fine-grained phenomena, and to be enthusiastic and open-minded about using citizen science data to animate new research lines.
However, communicating science to the general public is not an easy task; Research articles tend to have a terminology that is difficult to follow for non-expert audiences, and the methods and models used might be unknown or cryptic. That is why I decided I could make a short summary in plain terms of each of these publications, hoping they help approaching the idiosyncrasies of this research to everyone, and perhaps pique the curiosity of the reader to continue reading the full articles.
You can find the research stories of the publications in this list:
- Extracting frequent patterns from a volunteered tick bites collection
- Modelling daily tick activity
- Mapping human exposure to ticks
- Modelling tick bite risk
Happy reading!