When you are a kid you often stumble upon these stories of pirates seeking a hidden chest in a remote island. The pirates embark on an adventure full of perils to find the treasure using the coordinates of a worn map.
If you reached here by chance, just be sure of reading the first part of the post first, in which we explain why a Drought Monitor is necessary. In this second part, you can find a longer description of the technical aspects of the development of this prototype.
The Netherlands is a country in a constant battle with increasing water levels, especially since the 14th century. Canals, dykes, and polders are part of the landscape and intrinsically rooted in the Dutch culture.
I am working in a project in which I am using the weather observations produced by the WOW-NL network of citizen weather stations (CWS). The goal is to assess whether these CWS produce high-resolution weather observations that can contribute to the official workflows for weather forecast.